
Brett Cubbins

Brett Cubbins is a former Police Officer with a passion for helping first respondents to find meaningful work and the ability to see and understand their role and identity beyond the uniform.

Brett Cubbins is a former Police Officer with a passion for helping first respondents to find meaningful work and the ability to see and understand their role and identity beyond the uniform.

Brett assisted in peacekeeping missions through the Solomon Islands, developed his police craft in general duties, before moving into criminal investigations and becoming a detective where he assisted and led several high profile and complex jobs.

Brett knows first hand the challenges that arise when transitioning out of the force and into the mainstream workforce. Brett eventually found Synergy, a management consulting firm in Canberra, which has taken him on a challenging but rewarding journey helping him realise how the valuable skills and experience that he attained in the force transfer to the consultancy world. Brett still has days where he misses the force, the brotherhood/sisterhood, comradery, mateship and feeling of belonging to a bigger family, but believes that his new company embodies these important parts and are values based which resonates with him.

This new journey is one that takes time and patience. It can be challenging on your mental health and transitioning, despite the reasons, will always be difficult. Brett was recently diagnosed with PTSD and has learned the importance of a balanced lifestyle, finding meaning in your new role and the journey of transitioning into the workforce. Brett wants to help those transitioning out and finding their role to suit their skills and experience whilst maintaining their own mental health and balanced lifestyle.