What we provide

Psychology and counselling

Fortem’s qualified and experienced clinicians are highly skilled at addressing the unique challenges and impacts of first responder work faced by first responders and their families.

It’s strong to seek support

Fortem’s qualified and experienced clinical team are highly skilled at addressing the unique challenges and impacts of first responder work faced by first responders and their families. They’re here to listen and can work with you to break problems down and help you uncover solutions that bring you peace of mind. 

Our psychology and counselling services are backed by the latest robust research.

We know that first responders experience alarming rates of psychological distress which surpass those of the general adult population and other high risk professions such as the Australian Defence force.

The impacts of first responder work can be subtle or obvious, and arise for everyone in different ways, at different times.

All first responders can benefit from early supports — because timely self-care can stop trauma in its tracks.

Who can access counselling?

Eligible first responders and their immediate family members can access Fortem’s clinical services for individual or couples counselling.

Family members are welcome to attend individual counselling alone or with their first responder family member.

What does it cost?

Our clinical services are free to eligible first responders.

What if I’m a former first responder or a first responder/family member and my agency is not eligible?

Fortem Australia is pleased to offer private and confidential counselling services from clinicians experienced in working with the First Responder community. These services may be subsidised through Medicare with a referral from your GP, covered partially by eligible private health funds, or paid privately.

Call or email our friendly intake team to learn more.

What is couples counselling?

Eligible first responders and their families can access either individual or couples counselling support from Fortem.

Couples counselling gives you and your partner the opportunity to restore your relationship and build a closer, more satisfying future together. This helps you and your partner break through barriers to achieve greater understanding, connection and intimacy in your relationship.


As an independent organisation, all of Fortem’s clinical services are entirely private and confidential and separate from the agency you or your loved one works at. This means you can share your concerns and issues with full confidence.


We offer counselling in-person and through telehealth (phone or video calls).

How to book

This is not a crisis support service or helpline. If you need urgent help, please call 000 or talk to Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Not sure?

Not sure about calling, or if this is the right support for you?

Have an informal chat with one of our understanding Care Coordinators on 1300 339 594.

Whatever your needs, they will work with you to refer you to the service best suited to your goals.